

Copyright © Liuzhou liugong forklift co. LTD 桂ICP备15003858号
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No.1 yanghe avenue, liuzhou

city, guangxi province

Liuzhou liugong forklift co. LTD


Specializing in the production of

electric forklifts, storage vehicles,

internal combustion forklifts,

tractors and AGV automatic

navigation vehicles

Technical Training

Machine service
2018/06/04 11:21
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● Training information: Liugong mechanical product maintenance training for loaders, excavators, cranes, road machinery, small construction machinery, forklifts, bulldozers, and concrete equipment.
● Training information: Liugong mechanical product maintenance training for loaders, excavators, cranes, road machinery, small construction machinery, forklifts, bulldozers, and concrete equipment.
● Training system:
● Training form:
1. The training center headquarters publishes training notices on the information platform according to the annual training plan → Dealers, contracted maintenance providers and customers submit registration forms → Student registration → Training starts
2. Dealers, special repairers and customers submit training needs → confirm training and trainees → send notifications → trainees report → start training 3. Dealers, special repairers provide training platform to provide primary training assessment.
● Training materials: product 3D simulation teaching software and Liugong various product training courseware training wall chart, maintenance CD.
● Training teachers: Liu Gong Deputy Chief Engineer, Liugong Technology Research Institute Directors, chief designers, designers, ZF company training experts, diesel engine air conditioner manufacturer training experts; increase professional instructors in domestic vocational colleges
● Key customers, big customers: Open a key green customer training channel for Liugong, giving priority to Liugong's key customers and large customers. Forms can be divided into on-site training and organizing staff to go to headquarters for special training.
● Teacher training: The training center headquarters provides Liugong dealers, special maintenance centers, partners, and key customer teacher training.
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