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Liuzhou liugong forklift co. LTD


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Financial leasing business introduction

Financial leasing
2018/06/03 19:05
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What is a finance lease? 1. You can get the right to use the device by paying a small amount of the down payment; 2. Repayment on schedule during the use of equipment;
What is a finance lease?
1. You can get the right to use the device by paying a small amount of the down payment;
2. Repayment on schedule during the use of equipment;
3. Obtain equipment ownership after the repayment is completed;
Advantages of Liugong Leasing:
1. A comprehensive financial service plan that can provide up to 100% of the financing amount;
2. Customized flexible repayment plan for customers according to the characteristics of region and season;
3. The repayment period can be flexibly selected according to the income situation;
4. Professional and efficient customer service, the promised credit review time does not exceed 2 working days;
5. Low-interest financing planning;
6, simple and convenient repayment, individuals in the local bank card, deposits on time every month;
7. Cooperation with professional insurance companies and strong legal team support;
Liugong Leasing Alliance
Anytime, anywhere to provide you with the necessary construction machinery, including Liugong equipment and the Union's domestic famous brand equipment. We provide one-stop service for sales, leasing, sale of used equipment and maintenance of equipment.
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